Table of Contents

Foreword by: Susan G. Clark, Ph.D.
Children Haven’t Changed; Childhood Has

Section I - Brain Changes and How They Effect Student Behaviors and Learning

Chapter I - The Impact of Losses and Stress on Student’s Mind and Body
A. Losses
B. Stress

Chapter II - Regaining Cognitive Access: The Process of Transforming Stress and the Sense of Helplessness
A. Transforming Perceptions of Helplessness
B. Strengthening Self-Regulation

Section II - Activities for Transforming the Helplessness Generated by Stress and Fear

Chapter III - Language Arts: Creative Writing and Journaling
A. Topics for Creative Writing and Journaling

  1. Issues of Loss, Being Lost or Invisible
  2. Issues of Rejection or Being Excluded
  3. Issues of Brokenness, Helplessness or Futurelessness
  4. Issues of Betrayal or Broken Promises
  5. Issues of Hope, Empowerment and Healing
  6. Debating Point and Issues
  7. Prose and Poetry

B. Integrating Art and Creative Writing

  1. Ad Campaigns
  2. Comic Books
  3. Mendalas

Chapter IV - Social Studies and History
A. Creative Topics

  1. Historical Cartoons and Storyboarding
  2. Fictional Comic Books About Historical Characters

B. Artistic Media Projects

  1. Creating Scripts for Hypothetical Radio Interviews
  2. Writing Radio Scripts for “What if …” Programs
  3. PSA’s (Public Service Announcements)

Chapter V - Character Education
A. Internal Strengths: Emotional IQ

  1. Classroom Directory of Feelings and Emotions
  2. Feelings Mural
  3. Box of Respect
  4. The Iceberg Project
  5. Letters to Hurts
  6. Draw a Dream
  7. Facing Fears
  8. Playground Character

B. Where are the Heroes: Issues of Emotional Honesty, Leadership, Risky Behaviors and Choices

  1. Honoring Strength with a Character Wall
  2. The Character Board Game

C. Physical Strengths: Internal Capacities for Self-Regulation and Stress Management

  1. Progressive Muscle Relaxation Script

Chapter VI - Building Resiliency Through After-School, Summer Camps and Recreational Programming
A. After-School Programs

  1. Creating Logos
  2. Collaborations for Creative Projects with Younger Children: Plays, Puppets, & Masks
  3. Board Games
  4. Create Calisthenics or Mental Exercises
  5. Sand Trays
  6. Creating Clubs for a Sense of Belonging and Identity
  7. Crossword Puzzles

B. Theater and Arts Camps

  1. Creating Drama Scripts for Stage or Radio
  2. Comedy Scripts
  3. Movement and Dance
  4. The Power of the Beat: The Rhythm of Healing
  5. Media Production

C. Summer Camps and/or Activity Programs

D. Boys and Girls Clubs, Scouting, and 4-H

Section III - Schools That Work: A Sense of Safety for All

Chapter VII -Sustaining Enhanced Learning Environments
A. Opportunities for Classroom Change

  1. Avoiding the Stress of Threats
  2. Classroom Guidelines
  3. Restorative Discipline
  4. Stress Reduction: Strategies for the Classroom

Chapter VIII -School Safety Issues: Violence Prevention
A. Generating a United Effort: Leadership and Staff Development
B. Specific Strategies for Overall Security and Sense of Safety Throughout the School Building
C. Strategies Specifically for Middle Schools
D. Defusing for Re-Entering Students
E. Suspension and Expulsion Policies
F. Crisis Preparation
G. Conflict and Anger Management
H. Violence Prevention Strategies

  1. Early Prevention
  2. Bullying
  3. Inclusion
  4. Restorative Justice

Chapter IX The Future and The U.S. Educational System
A. Initiating Change
B. Generating Support



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